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Agreements Coach Leadership: Respectfully Influencing Accountability
An effective leader holds many important competencies. They often must be a visionary, communicator, coach, motivator, project manager, knowledgeable and possibly many others. Just as a valuable house must have a solid foundation so must an effective leader's skills. The ability to facilitate agreements is often an overlooked competency.
Coaching is a process which creates voluntary development through trusting relationships, inspiration, and insight (new options and methods). The ability to facilitate agreements is a key foundational element in the coaching competency.
For nearly 20 years my audiences have asked for ways to improve accountability in their organizations. We all need an environment that promotes trust, provides the appreciation and can "hold people accountable" when necessary. Many of us have been taught to rely heavily on the "old" industrial age domineering management style (which often damages trust. In this highly interactive session, Wally Hauck explains why facilitating agreements is more important than ever in our new knowledge economy. He explains how the century old practices are slowly becoming obsolete under the new demands and what leaders can do now to improve their agreements coaching skills.
In this interactive session participants will learn:
- Why control strategies will no longer create a competitive advantage
- The secrets of agreements coaching leadership and how to create an environment of trust, engagement, and innovation without the unintended consequences of the "old" style
- How trust and agreements coaching leadership increases adaptability to change for individuals and the entire organization which improving accountability
- Why agreements coaching skills must be learned by every leader and what you can do to now to start
An effective leader holds many important competencies. They often must be a visionary, communicator, coach, motivator, project manager, knowledgeable and possibly many others. Just as a valuable house must have a solid foundation so must an effective leader's skills. The ability to facilitate agreements is often an overlooked competency.
Coaching is a process which creates voluntary development through trusting relationships, inspiration, and insight (new options and methods). The ability to facilitate agreements is a key foundational element in the coaching competency.
For nearly 20 years my audiences have asked for ways to improve accountability in their organizations. We all need an environment that promotes trust, provides the appreciation and can "hold people accountable" when necessary. Many of us have been taught to rely heavily on the "old" industrial age domineering management style (which often damages trust. In this highly interactive session, Wally Hauck explains why facilitating agreements is more important than ever in our new knowledge economy. He explains how the century old practices are slowly becoming obsolete under the new demands and what leaders can do now to improve their agreements coaching skills.
In this interactive session participants will learn:
- Why control strategies will no longer create a competitive advantage
- The secrets of agreements coaching leadership and how to create an environment of trust, engagement, and innovation without the unintended consequences of the "old" style
- How trust and agreements coaching leadership increases adaptability to change for individuals and the entire organization which improving accountability
- Why agreements coaching skills must be learned by every leader and what you can do to now to start

約 Wally Hauck

Wally Hauck
Wally Hauck holds a doctorate in organizational leadership from Warren National University, a Master of Business Administration in finance from Iona College, and a bachelor's degree in philosophy from the University of Pennsylvania. He is a Certified...
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